Since I last was here

Big Tally Of Things

Places I've been since last post: Seattle, New Jersey, New York City, Vermont
Subways taken: F, R, 1
Number of stars I'd rate my friends' apartments across Brooklyn, out of 5: 5, based on hospitality
Number of times I saw my 2nd grade science teacher interviewed on TV while in a taxi:  1
Number of living dogs named after coffee drinks: 2
Number of small pastries consumed at conference: Tray
Number of friends currently in New York City: Everybody!
Job interviews: 1?
Total number of dogs named after coffee drinks, living and dead: 4
Grandparents Left: 0
Quail Eggs eaten off of tiny toothpick: 3
Sparks flown:  Rather not answer
Amnesiac Tranquilizers taken on airplane: Don't Remember
Number of tears cried alone in bath: Shame
Episodes of Park and recreation watched in parent's living room: Equivalent of two NYC marathons, at least